Seasonal Best

Sun, Jan 29, 2023 | lifting

I racked 145kg loaded barbell into the squat rack. I bent down slightly and stepped away from the squat rack. Steve, my coach, yells his signature, “WOOOOOO!”

I was feeling a measured level of excitement. This is the heaviest back squat I’ve done in a year. But this wasn’t the heaviest I’ve ever squatted. A year ago, I squatted 148kg.

My friend on the platform next to me congratulated me on the lift saying it was my new seasonal best.

I have never heard of that term before.

A seasonal best (SB) is the best successful lift you’ve completed based on the past few cycles.

“It’s hard to keep increasing in PRs year after year, especially with setbacks like injuries. So, I use SBs to keep my goals smaller” he said.

I liked this perspective.