Sunday, Feb, 26 2023
Rest Day
I enjoy being active. I built a garage gym. These are my workouts.
Rest Day
I didn’t have time to complete the handstand holds. The kids did not sleep long enough during their afternoon nap.
Ran out of time and couldn’t get to planks because we went to eat at Bacogai, a new vietnamese hot pot joint in Alameda. It was delicious.
Rest Day
I listened to All The Smoke podcast with Charles Barkley during this workout. Chuck is always awesome to listen to. Definitely recommend!
My hands were burning during this exercise.
Rest day.
Max dips: 10 unbroken reps
SB! 70kg
I felt I could have likely gone higher, but:
60-90 second rests between sets with a goal to maintain unbroken sets. I barely made it in the last set.
New (first) Seasonal Best of 100kg! My body started feeling weak with the 100kg. I think I could have gotten another 5-7kg, but healing after injuries nowadays takes way too long.
This week I’m planning to attempt heavy singles or max-reps for many of the lifts and exercises to get a guage of where my fitness is at. These numbers should influence the next six week cycle.
I’ve finally reached the point where I can do the ATG Single Leg Raises in one unbroken set of 25! Success!
I failed on the last rep of the last set with my left arm for the arnold presses. Had to take a 20 second break and finish out that last rep.
Next week I’ll go for heavy singles to see where I’m at, but overall my pressing is starting to come back.
Rest day.
I had a new garage installed, so I didn’t have time to complete the workout today. :(
Rest day
I added in some barbell rows. With all the pushing and static holds, I figured I needed some balance. Also, I was able to get through this workout pretty quickly, so adding another exercise was easy.
Sets were 10, 10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
I don’t like adding exercises to the workout mid-cycle, but my shoulders have been feeling pretty sore in a not-so-nice way. I’ll pepper these external rotation exercises in throughout the week now that my dumbell pullovers are feeling good.
I kept rest between the sets ~60 seconds for all exercises.
6am workout. Uggghh.
I used a slightly wider grip on the pull up negatives and now I can’t feel my arms.
7kg leg raises is the slightly more than the weight of my plate loadable dumbell without weights. But since I only have kilo plates, this makes it easier to program.
My left hip flexors are so much weaker than my right. I struggled getting to 25 leg lift reps on the left leg.
I was sick on Thursday, so had to do this workout today.
Clean technique is still too slow. My left collar bone is bruising up again so I’m hesitant to catch in the correct position. The speed is better than last week. I’ll take improvement though.
I didn’t time myself or anything, but basically sets were:
10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 with 30s-60s rests in between.
Peter is weak. He used to do pullups in sets of 10. Now he can barely hang onto the bar for a negative.
This is actually Week 2 of a 6 week cycle I programmed. That said, it’s a new season.