I Poo You

Thu, Feb 16, 2023 | potty-training, kiddos, and life

My wife said, “Pax said he pooped a baba poop, a ti ti poop, and a paxie poop.”

Pax calls me baba, Sky ti ti, and himself Paxie. I don’t know why he gives himself a longer nickname than his name, but I digress.

I was in the middle of putting the leftovers from lunch into the fridge, so I didn’t quite comprehend the statement.

I said, “Huh?”

My wife said, “That’s what he pooped.”

Looking towards Pax, I said, “What did you poop, Pax?”

He screamed, “I POO YOU BABA!!!!”

Yup. Okay. Thanks, my dude.